
Creating new possibilities with TEENs

What Could Be Different?

What if EDUCATION was about creating ?

EDUCATIONS for FUTURES is about empowering youth to know what they know and to create lives they will love to live now and in the future - while enjoying it !


  • BEING YOU ! INVITING YOUTH to be who they truly be.

  • CREATE YOUR LIFE ! INVITING YOUTH to be the creator of their own life now and in the future

  • CHOICE !  INSPIRE YOUTH to choose what works for them, discovering that choice creates and knowing that they always have choice

  • EASE and JOY ! DISCOVERING what it takes to have more ease and joy with learning and school

  • POSSIBILITIES ! Creating ideas and turning them into ENTREPRENEURSKAB og BUSINESS BUILDING

IF we knew absolute nothing about what a TEEN is and is not, what they ought to be and should not do. What different possibilities could show up ?

For years I have seen TEENs waste life and time. It is like the TEEN TIME has become a long periode of waiting
Waiting to be old enough, good enough, know enough, finish school and education, get their own home, AND THEN they can start “being themselves” and planning their lifes and living.
Most TEENS sees themselves as controlled and not yet ready to create anything.
Parents, Teachers and Society has lots of fixed point of views about TEENS. They are expected to be difficult to be around, to create trouble, not to be trusted and really not capable of creating their own lives.
In Denmark they are said to be “under construction” . Not yet ready built !? So therefore they need to be controlled and guided by grown up`s.
That dos not work very well for either the TEENS nor the parents and teachers.

To me it seems as such a waste of wonderful energy and creativity ? What if it could be totally different ?

What if we could change this whole TEEN paradigme and create something different ? 


Eva Dalhoff